Term 2 Week 10 of 11

Friday, 21sth June 2024

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

● Acting Principal’s Letter

● Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation

● Eucharist

● Student Reflection Eucharist

● Regional Soccer Tournament

● Dance Battle

● Gospel & Gospel Reflection

● Parish News

● Student of the Week Awards

● Term Two Dates

● Term Three Dates

● Community News

Acting Principals Letter

Dear Parents & Carers,  

Last weekend we celebrated the last of our First Communion. These students have now been welcomed at the table of the Lord. We pray that this Sacrament is one that continues to enrich your child and your family throughout life’s journey.

Congratulations to 

Lauren           Giselle

Nina                Alyssia

Andre             Lucy

Santa             Pinidi

Emily              George 

To consolidate the learning in the classroom and to support our communicants to delve deeper into reflection now that they have made their first Eucharist, a Reflection Day was held with the Gen Bryant Team. Our students participated in singing and a written reflection about the importance of the spiritual nourishment we receive when we partake in the Eucharist. I would like to thank Fr Gerard, Mrs Aclan, Mrs Melanie Apap, Mrs Rachael Bonavia and our Grade 4 teachers for the wonderful preparation of the students. My prayer for these students is that they will always say yes and come to the table of the Lord throughout their lives. Please continue to pray for the 2024 Resurrection Parish communicants. 

National Refugee Week - “Finding Freedom: Family”

The aim of Refugee Week is to promote greater awareness of refugees, the issues they face and the contributions refugees are making to the Australian community. In a world marked by displacement and the search for refuge, this year’s Refugee Week theme “Finding Freedom” – with a focus on family. This theme encapsulates the profound journey of resilience, strength, and unity that defines the refugee experience. Let us remember that Jesus Christ was a refugee, who was persecuted by King Herod. His parents, Mary and Joseph, fled from Bethlehem to Egypt to save his life. Many of the families here at Resurrection have also experienced the journey as refugees, leaving their home.

“We pray for the protection of Refugees in the midst of dangerous travels, hope for those who languish in camps and healing for separated families to be reunited. May the Lord bless and help all refugees in Australia and around the world.” Amen

Staffing news

I have had some staffing news I would like to share with our wider Resurrection community. 

Ms Annette Lee has been successful in her application for a teaching position at Penola Secondary College, Broadmeadows. Annette will finish teaching 2B on Friday 19th of July, ensuring that our students have continuity of learning for Semester 1 and sufficient time for us to advertise and appoint a replacement teacher for the remainder of the school year. Annette has always wanted to teach English in the secondary school setting and Penola is her old high school so she sees this as an opportunity to give back to this community.

Mr Ric Martin has been successful in his application for a Foundation teaching and team leader teaching position at St Catherine of Siena, Melton. His appointment will commence at the start of Term 3.  Ric this year commenced his master’s degree in Education leadership. I am supportive of his new appointment knowing the benefit it will have in his continued development as a teacher and school leader.

Miss Brittany Davidson has also informed me that she will be resigning her ongoing teaching position. This has not been an easy decision for Brittany who will seek to move to CRT work whilst supporting her parents with their own health concerns. 

I am pleased to share that Miss Georgia Tankey, a regular CRT at Resurrection this year, has been appointed in 4C for the remainder of the school year. Georgia and Brittany will both be teaching the 4C next week to ensure a smooth transition for our students. 

Last week I also heard from Mrs Daniella Bartolo that she has FINALLY welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world. Congratulations to Daniella and Daniel on Ivy’s safe arrival. May God bless her and guide you both during this special time of parenthood.

God Bless, 

Jess Davis  

Acting Principal

DP: Learning & Organisation 

Over the past few weeks, we have advised that this semester’s student reports will be made available online through the online portal on the last day of Term 2, Friday 28th June.  We recently sent out an Operoo form for families to opt in to receive a paper copy of their child’s report. 

It is great to see that we will be reducing the amount of reports printed as members of our community have considered the paperless option in order to become more sustainable!

You will have, in the last few weeks, received an email from no-reply@nforma.com.au This provides you with all the necessary information and steps on how to access the portal.  If you would like to set up your account now, then please follow the instructions outlined below:

Visit: https://parentgcr4.nforma.com.au/portal/#/login?schooldomain=rskingspark

  • Your username is the email address you’ve supplied the school

  • Use the temporary password from the email mentioned above

  • The ‘Welcome Screen’ will appear

  • You will be required to change your password

    • Enter the temporary password 

    • Enter your new chosen password (NOTE: The password must be a minimum of 7 characters and contain at least one non-alphanumeric character (e.g. ! * - )

    • Re-enter your password in the ‘Confirm Password’ section and click on ‘Change Password’

  • A successful message will appear if all the criteria was met for the new password. 

To view the reports please follow these instructions:

1. At the main menu of the portal, select the child for the report that you would like to view.

2. Click on ‘Reports’.

3. Select the reporting period. Your chosen child’s report will appear.

It is very important that you have updated your email addresses with the school, as an

automated email containing instructions and login details has already come from no-reply@nforma.com.au and not the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email from that address.

It is highly recommended that you use a computer to access your child’s reports for the first time. Subsequent logins can be made on a mobile device if preferred.

Once you have followed the instructions, you will be able to view your child’s report online after it is published. 

Once in the portal you will need to choose your child (if you have more than one at our

school) and then choose the reporting component.

Forgotten passwords:

If you have forgotten your password, please follow the ‘forgotten password’ link. Please note that your new password needs to be at least 7 characters long and must include at least one non alpha-numeric character, e.g. *, - / or similar.

If you have requested a password reset and the email does not appear, please look in your junk/spam folder for an email from no-reply@nforma.com.au 

If you have any questions or issues, please contact the school office.

Reporting Update: Mathematics 2.0 

Further to last week’s newsletter, this is a friendly reminder about how the mathematics reporting page will appear. One of the changes that you will notice in this semester’s report is that teachers have reported against the curriculum as an entire subject area by providing one aggregated score. As a result of this change, there will be no visible progression or comparison between the current and previous reporting period. This will be only for the Semester 1 2024 reporting period.

At Resurrection, we are committed to providing you with information to support your understanding of your child’s achievements, and this will be provided through assessment against indicators for the relevant strands taught and assessed, as well as a personalised goal for your child that has been created in response to their achievements and areas for improvement in the learning area of Mathematics. Our detailed indicators will provide you with insight on your child’s achievement in each of the five or six strands of Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics & Probability (commencing from Grade 3).

If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher, our Mathematics Leader Michelle Widdison or myself. The upcoming Parent Teacher Conversations in Term 3 are a perfect opportunity to discuss your child’s achievements and goals. 

Term 3: Parent Teacher Conversations

Parent Teacher Learning Conversations are due to be held on Tuesday 23rd (3:45pm - 7:15pm) and Thursday 25th July (3:45pm - 7:15pm).  

These face-to-face meetings are an important opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress in relation to the curriculum, the Semester One Report and future learning directions.

Once you have made a booking, you will receive a confirmation email indicating the time and date. Please keep this email in order to attend the meeting at your allocated time.

At the end of this newsletter is all the information you require for making a booking for the Parent Teacher Learning Conversations. Bookings are now open and will close on Monday 22nd July at 12:00pm.

Please visit the following web address to make your booking:


Please note that interviews are for 15 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate meeting by contacting your child’s teacher directly.

To the families of children in 1B with Mr Galea and 2C with Miss Hall, further information regarding alternate dates has been communicated with you via email. You can make a booking via the same link above. 

1B interviews with Mr Matt Galea will take place on Tuesday 16th July from 1pm - 8pm.

2C interviews with Miss Dorothy Hall will take place on Tuesday 30th July and Thursday 1st August from 3:45pm to 7:15pm.


You will have, earlier this week,  received an email from no reply@nforma.com.au This provides you with all the necessary information and steps on how to  access the portal. Even with an existing account (which all parents now should have), you will  need to set a new password. In the event you have not received an email, please contact the  office to ensure your contact details are up to day. If you have misplaced your email, please visit:  https://parentgcr4.nforma.com.au/portal/#/login?schooldomain=rskingspark 

● Your username is the email address you’ve supplied the school 

● Use the temporary password from the email mentioned above 

● The ‘Welcome Screen’ will appear 

● You will be required to change your password 

○ Enter the temporary password  

○ Enter your new chosen password (NOTE: The password must be a minimum of 7  characters and contain at least one non-alphanumeric character (e.g. ! * - ) ○ Re-enter your password in the ‘Confirm Password’ section and click on ‘Change  Password’ 

● A successful message will appear if all the criteria was met for the new password.  

To view the reports please follow these instructions: 

1. At the main menu of the portal, select the child for the report that you would like to view. 2. Click on ‘Reports’. 

3. Select the reporting period. Your chosen child’s report will appear. 

It is very important that you have updated your email address(es) with the school, as an automated email containing instructions and login details has come from no reply@nforma.com.au not the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an  email from that address.

It is highly recommended that you use a computer to access your child’s reports for the first time.  Subsequent logins can be made on a mobile device if preferred. 

Once you have followed the instructions, you will be able to view your child’s report online. 

Once in the portal you will need to choose your child (if you have more than one at our school) and then choose the reporting component. 

Forgotten passwords: 

If you have forgotten your password, please follow the ‘forgotten password’ link. Please note that  your new password needs to be at least 7 characters long and must include at least one non  alpha-numeric character, e.g. *, - / or similar. 

If you have requested a password reset and the email does not appear, please look in your  junk/spam folder for an email from no-reply@nforma.com.au 

If you have any questions or issues, please contact the school office. 

Reporting Update: Mathematics 2.0 

Further to last week’s newsletter, this is a friendly reminder about how the mathematics reporting page will appear. One of the changes that you will notice in this semester’s report is that teachers have reported against the curriculum as an entire subject area by providing one aggregated score. As a result of this change, there will be no visible progression or comparison between the current and previous reporting period. This will be only for the Semester 1 2024 reporting period.

At Resurrection, we are committed to providing you with information to support your understanding of your child’s achievements, and this will be provided through assessment against indicators for the relevant strands taught and assessed, as well as a personalised goal for your child that has been created in response to their achievements and areas for improvement in the learning area of Mathematics. Our detailed indicators will provide you with insight on your child’s achievement in each of the five or six strands of Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics & Probability (commencing from Grade 3).

If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher, our Mathematics Leader Michelle Widdison or myself. The upcoming Parent Teacher Conversations in Term 3 are a perfect opportunity to discuss your child’s achievements and goals. 

Term 3: Parent Teacher Conversations

Parent Teacher Learning Conversations are due to be held on Tuesday 23rd (3:45pm - 7:15pm) and Thursday 25th July (3:45pm - 7:15pm).  

These face-to-face meetings are an important opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress in relation to the curriculum, the Semester One Report and future learning directions.

Once you have made a booking, you will receive a confirmation email indicating the time and date. Please keep this email in order to attend the meeting at your allocated time.

At the end of this newsletter is all the information you require for making a booking for the Parent Teacher Learning Conversations. Bookings are now open and will close on Monday 22nd July at 12:00pm.

Please visit the following web address to make your booking:


Please note that interviews are for 15 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate meeting by contacting your child’s teacher directly.

To the families of children in 1B with Mr Galea and 2C with Miss Hall, further information regarding alternate dates has been communicated with you via email. You can make a booking via the same link above.

1B interviews with Mr Matt Galea will take place on Tuesday 16th July from 1pm - 8pm.

2C interviews with Miss Dorothy Hall will take place on Tuesday 30th July and Thursday 1st August from 3:45pm to 7:15pm.

Shannon Betham 

Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation 

God is here.

He is present in the Eucharist and alive in us!

During the last 3 weekends and over 7 weekend Masses, we celebrated both our students and Parish program communicants who received the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time. Over the last three issues of our school newsletter, Mrs. Davis has congratulated these students and I too echo this as we complete all of our First Eucharist Masses for the year. We welcome these students to the gift of the Eucharist, and we sincerely thank families for their ongoing support throughout this Sacramental journey and for supporting their child as they continue to grow in Christian faith.

Receiving Jesus for the first time is a momentous occasion that was beautifully shared with the wider Resurrection Parish community. We look forward to reading more student reflections in next week’s newsletter. We also thank Fr. Gerard and Mrs. Melanie and Mrs. Rachael from the Parish Admin team for their tireless work in the preparation of these Sacraments.

In Faith,

Erica Aclan

Religious Education Leader 

P.S. - Have you viewed our School Gallery Wall in the Church?

The Gallery Wall is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the fantastic learning happening in Religious Education around the school, with the aim to rotate student work every few weeks! 

The board is at the back of the Church and you’re welcome to view it after any of the weekend Masses.

Student Reflection

On my First Holy Communion, I received the body of Christ. When I got there, I had a whole row for my family and I. I had to wear a really pretty white dress. When I got there. I went to the back of the church and walked down the aisle with praying hands and respectfully stood at the altar.

One by one we went up with our parents and received the body of Christ and got our communion certificate. After church, we went out for dinner to Slices. I had so much fun!

Nina 4B

On Sunday the 2nd of June, I had my First Eucharist. When I first arrived, I saw many children from my school and others. It was amazing seeing other outfits for their Eucharist. When the mass started, all of the communicants walked up to the front with prayer hands whilst Father Gerard did the introduction and welcome. Then we walked back to our seats and remained seated until it was time for us to bring down the offertory. We walked reverently up to the altar and stood on the sides with prayer hands and waited for Father Gerard  to do the homily and consecration. Then it was my turn. I was excited but very nervous. After I received it, I went back to my seat. When the Mass concluded, I went to a restaurant with my family.

On Monday the 17th of June, Gen Bryant came to our school to teach us about the Eucharist. She told us about how the Eucharist comes from the Greek word “Eucharistic” meaning to give thanks and thanksgiving. We played this, that, rock, paper, scissors and two truths and one lie. We also told people some of our special memories. We wrote a prayer about what we were grateful for and the ordering parts of Mass. Overall, it was pretty fun!

Elizabeth 4B

Regional Soccer Tournament

On Wednesday the 12th of June, the Grade 6 boys ventured off to Keilor Park to participate in the Boys Regional Soccer Tournament. Having won the District Tournament, two weeks ago, the team moved onto the  next stage, playing against other district winners.

The fourteen boys faced Creekside Primary in their opening game and conceded an early goal (their only conceded goal for the tournament). The team fought back but it wasn’t enough, going down 1-0.

In their 2nd game the boys played St Augustine’s Primary and had quite the tussle. When the full-time whistle had blown, the score was tied 0-0, so another game would once again end in penalties. The boys were triumphant in their final game 2-1.

Although the team hadn’t accumulated enough points to move on to the Grand Final, they were successful, as they had represented themselves and Resurrection with distinction, showcasing the schools P.B.L values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility throughout the tournament.

A big thank you goes to Ms Paola who helped organise the equipment and co-coached the boys on the day. 

Mr Mo 

Grade 6 Boys Soccer Coach 

On the marvellous day of June 12th, the Grade 5s competed for the Dance Battle Champion trophy. The start of the morning flew by so easily and before we realised the time, it was time to battle for the prestigious title. As 5A entered the hall, I could just imagine how the trophy would look in our spacious classroom.

 After a while the whole school was in their allocated positions, my friends and I knew that 5A most DEFINITELY HAD to be the highlight of the show. First to dance on the stage was 5B who had the song Good Morning. Followed by 5C lighting up the stage with Start the Party. Finally, it was 5A’s turn to steal the show. As we walked up the stairs to fame (not literally), I could feel the excitement trying to burst out of my fellow students. 

While we were dancing, I knew that the audience was awe-struck when Maddy, Keiara and I did gymnastics. At the end of the performance when we all struck a confident pose, the audience went crazy. Subsequently, after leading the whole school in the Waka dance and some phenomenal freestyle, it was time to announce the winners.

I was elected by my classmates to be a representative for 5A to go onto the stage. After what seemed like a year, Mr. Dalton addressed the spectators that we WON!

My heart nearly leapt out of my chest. At the same time, cheers erupted like a volcano from the audience. As a result, nothing could go wrong for 5A because nothing could dampen our spirits.

By Zoe 5A.

Why do we add the Weekend’s Gospel to the School Newsletter?

There’s a famous quote: “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words only when necessary.”

The original quote is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi. It’s been echoed by generations of Christians.

The spirit of the quote is good, and it makes a good point. Our actions matter. What’s more: actions usually speak louder than words. People are watching what we


But there are some good reasons why this quote does not present a good approach in relating with others. The first reason is that, in many cases, people use it as an excuse to avoid articulating their faith.

How many times has the gospel not been shared, because we’ve embraced a version of Christianity where words don’t matter? The second reason is more important: The Bible tells us

that there are certain truths. Faith comes by hearing. And hearing by the word of God. Other people hear when someone declares the message. You can love people, serve people, care for people and model a great life. Your actions will nudge people. They will create curiosity. They will open hearts to an interest in the gospel. Others may even model your actions — and this is a good thing.

But there will come a moment when you will need to tell your story. When you will need to tell the story from start to finish: sin and redemption, death and resurrection — and why it matters.

You need to be equipped and prepared to tell the story and articulate your faith. The truth is that no matter how much we try to live in a way that reveals the presence of Jesus, words will still

be needed. At some point along the way, we need to hear and comprehend the content of the gospel.


This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Mark (4: 35 – 41) 

Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him. 

With the coming of evening, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let us cross over to the other side.’ And leaving the crowd behind they took him, just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him. Then it began to blow a gale and the waves were breaking into the boat so that it was almost swamped. But he was in the stern, his head on the cushion, asleep. They woke him and said to him, ‘Master, do you not care? We are going down!’ And he woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Quiet now! Be calm!’ And the wind dropped, and all was calm again. Then he said to them, ‘Why are you so frightened? How is it that you have no faith?’ They were filled with awe and said to one another, ‘Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him.’

Having returned to the liturgical period of Ordinary Time and with it the sequential readings from the Gospel of Mark (for a few weeks at least), we can appreciate some of the literary structure and devices that were used by the gospel writer. Throughout this particular gospel, the writer has used a framing device – sometimes known as the Markan sandwich – to bracket sections of the gospel. By using these framing stories, the gospel writer draws greater attention to the substance of the ‘sandwich’ – what has been framed. This week’s reading is the beginning of such a framed section that highlights some of the great miracles performed by Jesus but also draws attention to the disciples’ lack of understanding about who Jesus really is. The section that runs from 4:35 to 8:21 is framed by two rhetorical questions: ‘Who can this be?’ asked by the disciples; and ‘Do you still not understand?’ asked by Jesus (8:21).

This week’s passage includes one of the great nature miracles of Jesus – the calming of the storm. Some scripture scholars suggest that this story is a construction by the gospel writer to speak directly to the community for whom this gospel was written. The community of the gospel of Mark were consumed with doubt and surrounded by evidence of the world as they knew it falling apart. They were living the metaphor captured in the story: a boat adrift on the sea in the midst of an almighty storm. The cry of the disciples was the cry of the Christian community: ‘Master, do you not care?’ They felt that God did not care about the turmoil that surrounded them. The gospel writer reassures them that God does care about their struggle but at the same time chastens them for their lack of faith!

Scriptural context – Miracle stories

The miracle stories of the three synoptic gospels (Mark, Matthew and Luke) generally fall into four categories of miracle: healing miracles (healing of physical ailments and disease); exorcism miracles (driving out evil spirits – often associated with a form of healing); resuscitation miracles (bringing people back to life); and nature miracles (Jesus appears to contradict the laws of nature – walking on water, multiplying food and calming a storm). Each type of miracle story tends to have its own literary structure and being able to recognise the type of miracle being described assists the interpretation of the gospel account.

Living the Gospel – Do you not care?

The experience of the disciples as their boat was tossed about the sea by the powerful storm may sound like a familiar situation. At times in life we may feel that we have lost control of our situation and we are being blown from one ‘disaster’ to the next. At such times, we may find ourselves asking the question that the disciples asked of Jesus, ‘Master, do you not care?’ Jesus’ reply to the disciples suggests that had they been calm and trusted in the slow work of God then they would have made it through the storm unharmed.

Historical Context – Mark’s audience

Scripture scholars are now convinced that the Gospel of Mark was the first of the four New Testament gospels to be written. It is probable that it was written at about 70–75 C.E. – approximately 40 years after the death of Jesus. The intended community was probably based in or around Rome and so were mostly gentile (non-Jewish) Christians. The destruction of the Jerusalem Temple by Roman forces in 70 C.E. was one of the signs that led this community to believe that the world was coming to an end and that the Messiah was about to return.

Maltese Celebration of Our Lady of the Rosary

On Sunday 6th October 2024 at the 10:30 mass, the Maltese Community of Resurrection Parish Kings Park will celebrate and honour Our Lady of the Rosary.

We are looking for children with a Maltese background to join us and learn some Maltese traditional dancing to be performed on the day.

If you are interested or would like more information, please ring Jane on 0421 593 189

Many thanks

Student of the Week Awards 

Week 10

Prep A

Ric Martin

Angok D - For always being a kind and considerate friend when playing and learning with others.

Francis C - For always using your manners and being a kind and considerate friend to others in the Prep community.

Prep B

Jacinta Polh

Khua H - For being a respectful member of Prep B.  You always introduce yourself to people with a smile.

Stephanie P - For being an effective communicator when you ask questions to help clarify your learning.

Prep C

Carla Tirotta

Ethan V- For being a responsible learner during learning time and always demonstrating whole body listening. Keep up the amazing effort!

Shaniqua M- For being a caring member of Prep C and always offering to help those around you! Well done Shaniqua!

One B

Matt Galea

Akot L - For being respectful to everyone in the class by listening intently to the ideas and opinions of others.

Madeline H - For always showing care to her peers and the Resurrection community.

One C

Thomas Pham

Chelsea C - For being respectful by demonstrating whole-body listening during learning time. Well done Chelsea!

Natalie L - For being a thinker by carefully listening to discussions and responding to them. Congratulations Natalie!

Two A

Belinda Collins 

Angelina L - For being a polite and courteous member of our class. Well done Angelina!!

William N - for being friendly and kind in 2A and always showing responsibility with your classroom job. Well done William.

Two B

Annette Lee

Emily L - For always being a kind and respectful member of 2B- you are always listening to the opinions and thoughts of others- Well done!

Xander A- For always sharing your ideas and opinions with the class- you know so much about our world! Well done!

Two C

Dorothy Hall

Adior D - For consistently being a kind and respectful learner in 2C, listening to all instructions and always trying her best.

Christina T - For being a resilient learner when challenging herself to recognise different patterns in maths.

Three A

Ella Nowak 

Levi P - For being a resilient learner and independently creating subheadings for his information report on soccer. Keep up the amazing confidence Levi!

Moses T - For being a kind, caring and helpful member of 3A, you put a smile on all of our faces. Keep it up Moses!

Three B

Kurt Caguin 

Liela M - For being a kind, joyful and positive influence to her classmates. Well done Liela!

Matthew T - For taking more care with his work and seeking feedback after completing his work. Keep it up Matthew!

Three C

Joss Coaley 

Alize B - For his positive attitude when attempting a new task. Your smile and positivity towards learning is great to see!

Khen SM - For being caring and compassionate both in the playground as well as the classroom. Your compassion for others is great to see.

Four A

Natalie Donevska

Adi D - For being a responsible and resilient learner by staying focused and asking questions to clarify her understanding. Keep up the amazing effort Adi!

Joy M - For being an effective communicator and a caring member of the classroom by sharing his opinions and using manners when listening to others. Well done Joy!

Four B

Enza La Rosa

Isaac M - For being a respectful class member and a risk taker when faced with challenging tasks. Well done Isaac!

Lauren C - For being a resilient learner and a risk taker in improving her skills in all areas of Maths and also for showing kindness towards others! Well done Lauren !

Four C

Brittany Davidson

Daphne C - For her positive and enthusiastic attitude, approaching each new day with a smile. Keep it up Daphne!

Vihaan K - For approaching life with such a positive and resilient attitude, displaying respect in all his interactions. It is a joy to see Vihaan!

Five A

Lavina Stewart 

Keiara L - For being a caring member of our learning community by sharing her knowledge with her peers and always presenting kindness. Keep it up Keiara!

Evelynne D - For being a knowledgeable learner by creating a presentation about how cars impact our environment and our society. Well done Evelynne!

Five B

Malae Suaesi  

Jason Niceu S - For being a kind and responsible member in the class when always supporting and demonstrating appropriate manners during learning.

Leon N - For being a thinker and resilient learner during Maths when collecting data to create a line graph. Well done!

Five C

Rosie Nojdek

Maci W - For sharing her ideas and explanations when looking for cause and effect during Literacy.  Well done.

Eli H - For being a kind hearted member of 6A.  You are always encouraging and supporting your peers. Keep it up, because it makes their day!

Six A

Katherine Salloum

Cherry - For being responsible and resilient by recognising the need to ask her teacher for assistance, to better understand how to interpret a time table and calculate the time it takes to go between different locations. Well done Cherry!

Eli H - For being a kind hearted member of 6A.  You are always encouraging and supporting your peers. Keep it up, because it makes their day!

Six B

Lena Aloi

Deng D - For showing admirable team spirit when representing the school at soccer against other schools. Great job!

Miranda L - For showing kindness and courtesy to those around you. Well done!

Six C

Jake Moloney

Weston T - For improving on his abilities as a responsible learner in the classroom. Well done Weston!

Sarah M - For showcasing her abilities as a knowledgeable learner during the data unit, by explaining mean, mode and median. Well done Sarah!

Specialist Awards 


Yumiko Aiki

Murad S (6A) - For being a respectful and positive student, and for managing his Japanese classroom time well. Well done Murad!

Performing Arts: 

Jody Banks

piano in front of the class. Well done for having the courage to share your talents with others, Dylan! Keep up the amazing music learning!

Visual Arts: 

Emma Lyons-Pell & Tosh Kaan

Jason S (5B)- For being a respectful and responsible artist who uses his time wisely and always works to the best of his ability. 

S T E M: 

Matt Dalton

Adit A (5C) - For working collaboratively and cooperatively within your team to design, investigate and construct a New Wacky Olympic Sport!  You are a positive member of your group offering ideas and assisting others.  Great Effort, Adit!


Week 11

Monday 24/06

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

Printing and signing of student reports

Tuesday 25/06


Wednesday 26/06

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday 27/06

Saint Cyril of Alexandria 

Friday 28/06

Saint Irenaeus

Last Day of Term 2

Whole School Mass

Semester 1 Student Reports Sent Home

Dismissal Time 3.15pm

Saturday 29/06

Saints Peter And Paul 

Sunday 30/06

13th Sunday In Ordinary Time


Week 1

Monday -  15/07

School Closure Day (Staff Professional Development)

Saint Bonaventure

Tuesday -  16/07

School Closure Day (Staff Professional Development)

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Wednesday -  17/07 

School Commences for term 3, all students in winter uniform

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4.45pm 

Thursday -  18/07


Friday -  19/07



Saturday -  20/07

  St Apollinaris

Sunday -  21/07

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Week 2

Monday -  22/07

Saint Mary Magdalene 

Exec Team 9.30am to 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm to 4.30pm

Tuesday - 23/07

Saint Bridget 

Parent Teacher Learning Conversations 3.45pm to 7.15pm 

Wednesday -  24/07 

Saint Sharbel Mahkluf

Staff Meeting 3.30pm to 4.30pm

Thursday -  25/07

Saint James 

Parent Teacher Learning Conversations 3.45pm to 7.15pm 

Friday -  26/07

Saint Joachim and Anne

Grandparents Day Mass (Whole School) & Celebration

Confirmation Preparation Day with Gen Bryant 

Saturday -  27/07

Sunday -  28/07

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Week 3

Monday -  29/07

Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus

Exec Team 9.30am to 11.00am

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm to 4.30pm

Tuesday - 30/07

Saint Peter Chrysologus 

Parent Advisory Committee 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Confirmation Parent Formation Evening 6:30-7:30pm

Wednesday -  31/07 

Saint Ignatius Loyola 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday -  01/08

Saint Alphonsus Liguori

100 Days Of Learning for Preps

Friday -  02/08

Saint Eusebius of Vercelli

Saint Peter Julian Eymard

Saturday -  03/08

Saint Dominic 

Sunday -  04/08

18th Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Year 5/6 Sunday Family Mass  10:30am

Week 4

Monday -  5/08

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 6/08

The Transfiguration Of The Lord 

Wednesday -  7/08 

Saints Sixtus II and companions 

Saint Cajetan 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm – 4.45pm

Thursday -  8/08

Saint Mary of the Cross

Friday -  9/08

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 5/6

Saturday -  10/08

Saint Lawrence 

Sunday -  11/08

19th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 5

Monday -  12/08

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Grade 3 Camp - Camp Weekaway- Benloch

Tuesday - 13/08

Saints Pontian and Hippolytus

Grade 3 Camp - Camp Weekaway- Benloch

Confirmation Parent Formation Session @ 6.30pm 

Wednesday -  14/08 

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 15/08


Whole School Mass @ 9.00  

Friday -  16/08

Saint Stephen of Hungary 

Saturday -  17/08

Sunday -  18/08

20th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 6

Monday -  19/08

Saint John Eudes 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 20/08

Saint Bernard

Book Week Parade

Wednesday -  21/08 

Saint Pius X

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

Thursday - 22/08

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friday -  23/08

Saint Rose of Lima 

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 3/4

Saturday -  24/08

Saint Bartholomew

Sunday -  25/08

21st Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Year 1/2 Sunday Family Mass  10:30am

Week 7

Monday -  26/08

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 27/08

Saint Monica

Wednesday -  28/08 

Saint Augustine 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 29/08

The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

Friday -  30/08

Father’s Day Breakfast & Blessing

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Juniors

Saturday -  31/08

Sunday -  1/09

22nd Sunday In Ordinary Time

Father’s Day 

Week 8

Monday -  2/09

Saint Augustine 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 3/09

Saint Gregory the Great 

Parent Advisory Committee 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Wednesday -  4/09 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 5/09

Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday -  6/09

Instalment 3 - Family Fee Payment Due

Saturday -  7/09

Sacrament of Confirmation at 11.00am & 1.30pm  

Sunday -  8/09

23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Year Prep  Sunday Family Mass  10:30am

Week 9

Monday - 9/09

Saint Peter Claver 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)

Tuesday -10/09

Parent Support Group Meetings

Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)

Wednesday - 11/09 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)

Thursday -12/09

The Most Holy Name of Mary 

Parent Support Group Meetings

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade Prep

Friday -  13/09

Saint John Chrysostom 

Saturday -  14/09

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 

Sacrament of Confirmation at 11.00am & 1.30pm  

Sunday -  15/09

24th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 10

Monday - 16/09

Saints Cornelius and Cyprian 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday -17/09

Saint Hildegard of Bingen

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Wednesday - 18/09 

Senior School Production 

No Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

Thursday -19/09

Saint Januarius 

Senior School Production

Friday -  20/09

Whole School Mass 9.00am

Last Day of Term 3

Footy Colours Day

Dismissal Time 3.15pm

Saturday -  21/09

Saint Matthew 

Sunday -  22/09

25th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Shop for your school 

Support our school by registering everything you buy at Watergardens for our chance to win a share of $25,000. The top three schools with the most points per student at the end of the campaign will win the respective prize money.

1st                    Prize:              $15,000

2nd                  Prize:              $7,000

3rd                  Prize:              $3,000



1. Shop at Watergardens participating retailers (make sure you keep your receipts.)

2. Visit https://watergardens.qicre.com/Promotions/2024/06/shop-for-your-school and log using your email address

3. Upload your receipt and proof of purchase details to your profile every time you shop.


Let’s rally together for a chance to win big for our school!

Maltese Celebration of Our Lady of the Rosary 

On Sunday 6th October 2024 at the 10:30 mass, the Maltese Community of Resurrection Parish  Kings Park will celebrate and honour Our Lady of the Rosary. 

We are looking for children with a Maltese background to join us and learn some Maltese  traditional dancing to be performed on the day. 

If you are interested or would like more information, please ring Jane on 0421 593 189 

Many thanks 

Resurrection Katari group  

St Kateri is the patroness saint of the environment and ecology. The Resurrection  parish Kateri group have created a sustainable party tub where you can use  reusable items for parties instead of purchasing single use items. It's both a great  way to save money as well as saving our environment! 

There are plates, bowls, cups, spoons, knives and forks that come in a big plastic  tub. There are about 100 of each item and can be borrowed from the Kateri  Resurrection Group.  

All we ask is that once they are done with the party kit, it is washed, dried and counted for  completeness and returned. If anyone is interested in borrowing it for their next party, contact  Resurrection office office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au and we will put you into contact with Mary  Anne from the Kateri group. 

Dear Parents, 

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held soon on Tuesday 23rd (3:45pm - 7:15pm) and  Thursday 25th July (3:45pm - 7:15pm).  

Interviews are strictly 15 minutes and spaces are limited. 

Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the code yb7wg Or CLICK HERE to book. 

1. Enter your details. 

2. Select the teachers you wish to see. 

3. Select the appointment time that suits your family best. When you click FINISH your selected bookings will be emailed to you instantly. 

If you do not receive your email INSTANTLY, please check your junk-mail AND your SPAM  folder, or enter the event code again and check your email address spelling. Update  your details if the email address is incorrect. 

The email will arrive from bookings@schoolintervie.ws 

DO NOT DELETE the email you receive. Keep it somewhere safe. You may need to refer  back to it at a later date. 

REMEMBER TO ADD YOUR APPOINTMENTS TO YOUR CALENDAR - reminders will not be sent. Bookings must be finalised by Monday 22nd July at 12:00pm. 

If you need to view, cancel, change or print your bookings: 

• Click on the link in the confirmation email you received after you made your  bookings 

• OR return to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the code and the email  address you used when making your bookings.


Term 2 Week 11 of 11


Term 2 Week 9 of 11